CDK Knowledge Article

Kyocera printers with Call Service 7410 error


Kyocera printers with Call Service 7410 error. Error code 7410 indicates the drum unit is not installed or not installed properly The printers affected are:
  • Laserstation 1940
  • Laserstation 6000
Client Steps:

1. Power off printer.

2. Open top cover on printer and remove the toner cartridge and developer unit as a single unit. Do not separate them. This keeps from having toner spilled into printer. The developer and toner may simply be unseated, about 1 inch, complete removal isn't necessary.

3. Open left side door on printer.

4. Remove waste bottle, close top of waste bottle

5. Remove plastic stop above gray latch. Press the top of the gray latch and push and lift up the gray latch to remove drum unit and pull drum unit out about 1 inch. Then snap it back closed.

6. Replace waste bottle. Close left side door. Replace toner cartridge/developer unit. Close the top cover. Test printer.

Note: On LS 1940 and LS 6000 Kyocera printers there is an added black plastic stop above the release button to help keep the latch from releasing during shipment. You have to remove this plastic stop first before you can push on gray latch. Be sure to replace this black plastic stop once the drum unit has been reseated.

Laserstation 1940 and 6000